Sunday, January 30, 2011

Do you have an online presence?

The analysis of the search results for the super city election (refer to the previous two postings) suggests that candidates who did not come up on Google Insight were not in the contest. For these candidates, offline activities alone were not sufficient to win the election. What we can learn from the election experiment is that if you are not online then, you are invisible to the market. While this may sound daunting; unfortunately, this is going to be increasingly true in the years to come. The moral of the story - if you don't have an online presence, start making one now.

Establishing online presence is not done overnight but is developed over time. A website is one of the tools to make that appearance. Alongside having a website, participation in social media networking sites and active blogging are online activities that help in establishing the online presence. These activities take time and, more important, incur a cost. The online presence becomes evident as these tools become established.

Next time will write about relevance and popularity, two imperatives of Internet Marketing.

1 comment:

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