Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Auckland Super-City Mayoral Election Trend Based on Google Search

This is a graph produced by Google Insight for search occurring on Google for the two main Auckland super city mayoral candidates - John Banks and Len Brown. Apparently none of the other candidates are featuring on Google search. It seems that John Banks and Len Brown are the two real contenders for the super city top job. What the graph is showing is the search result for the two candidates by their names. While we cannot say who will win based on the search pattern, we can deduce that more people are interested to find out about Len Brown. As this is happening at this stage of the election, it has to be to decide whom to vote. If the marketing teams of these two candidates are doing the right things, that is, having the right contents about them on the Internet then searching by name could eventuate in a vote in favour of that candidate. We will know if that is true when the results are announced. For now, we at least know who the true contenders are.

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